
Dr Sheila Rossan

Strategic Value Partner

Dr. Sheila Rossan has been associated with Bioss for more than 20 years. She trained under Gillian Stamp in the technique of CPA. She developed IRIS and its training, and conducted much of the original research on its reliability and validity. She also conducted a study on how applicants evaluate IRIS. A current interest is in tapping the unrecognised potential of young people.

Dr Sheila Rossan taught social and developmental psychology, assessment techniques and organisational analysis at Brunel University for more than 25 years. It was there that she came under the spell of Elliott Jaques and Gillian Stamp. Whilst she was lecturing, she also began to work as a management consultant, originally with engineers and scientists, then gradually including other professions.

Sheila has worked world-wide, in Asia, Australia, Africa, South America, and Eastern and Western Europe. She is a Chartered Psychologist and is approved by the British Psychological Society for testing. 

Sheila is still interested in seeing how she can help organisations to appreciate and better utilise their employees. She also has a strong interest in the links between work and individual development. She has published articles in life-span developmental psychology, as well as in using CPA to understand young people.

She is now working on a project to help young people realise their potential and tap their unrecognised gifts.


Bioss International
Devonshire House
Level 1
One Mayfair Place
United Kingdom


+44 (0)20 7661 9387
