
Robbie Stamp

Chief Executive, Bioss International

Chief Executive of Bioss International. He also sits on the British Standard Institute’s National Standing Committee on Artificial Intelligence and is currently working on ISO recommendations on Board Governance and AI.

He is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts , is in attendance at the All Party Parliamentary Group on AI and formally submitted evidence to the Lords Select Committee .

He is a member of the APPG on Human Health and Longevity and a Senior Fellow at the Cambridge University Resilience and Sustainable Development Programme.

He is on the International Advisory Board of the Past Foundation

He speaks regularly about the intersection of the Governance of human institutions and complex adaptive systems and contributes where he can to discussions on the ontology of data, its ‘power relationships’ with humans and the nature of human embodiment.

Prior to this, Robbie was Chairman and Chief Executive of The Digital Village, a media company founded with the late Douglas Adams, which pioneered social networks to create content on the internet. 

Robbie has given two TEDx talks: at TEDxLondonSalon on digital afterlives, and at TEDxLondon on “How Grief Feels“. As the creator of the Bioss AI Protocol, he has been a regular keynote speaker at the CognitionX AI Conferences, and submitted evidence at the invitation of the UK Parliamentary Select Committee on Artificial Intelligence. 

Between 1995 and 2000, Robbie was CEO of h2g2, formerly The Digital Village, the company he co-founded with the late Douglas Adams in 1995.

Earlier in his career, Robbie worked as a television producer on a series of documentary films on the environment, for Central Television’s flagship documentary series Viewpoint that won over thirty major international awards, including in 1988, the prestigious Prix Italia for Can Polar Bears Tread Water? about global warming.

Robbie has co-authored three books, The Day War Broke Out, Trojan Horses and Top Guns and Toxic Whales 

The eldest son of Bioss International founder Gillian Stamp, Robbie is married with two children.

Three sites I follow that make me think:

Brain Pickings, curated since 2006 by Maria Popova, a Bulgarian writer, is truly one of the glories of the internet. A lovingly researched and deeply thoughtful collection of deep thinkers and poetry and insight into treating people as people in all our messiness and magic.

Exponential View curated by Azeem Azhar and Marija Gavrilov is one of the best tech newsletters out there always situating the tech within wider economic, social and geopolitical contexts. There is a free newsletter, a very good podcast and for full disclosure I am a founding member of the community.

Aeon is a superb online magazine covering Philosophy, Science, Psychology, Society and Culture, the articles are always very high quality and I am glad to be a patron of the site.


Bioss International
Devonshire House
Level 1
One Mayfair Place
United Kingdom


+44 (0) 7887 578397